Crafting the Perfect Writing Job: Tips for Success

Creating a writing gig on a freelance platform can be a make-or-break moment for a freelance writer. A well-crafted gig can attract clients and establish a strong professional reputation, while a poorly written one can lead to missed opportunities and a lack of interest. In this help article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating an effective writing gig and highlight the differences between a good and a bad writing gig with examples and explanations.

  1. Good Writing Gig: Clear and Concise Title

A good writing gig starts with a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the jobs you’re offering. The title should be specific enough to give potential clients an idea of what you can do for them.

Example: “SEO-Optimized Blog Post Writing – 1,000 Words”

Bad Writing Gig: Vague or Confusing Title

A vague or confusing title can make it difficult for clients to understand what jobs you’re offering and might cause them to pass over your gig.

Example: “I Will Write Stuff for You”

  1. Good Writing Gig: Detailed Description

A well-written description is crucial for a good writing gig. It should provide an overview of your skills and experience, as well as the specific jobs you’re offering. Make sure to include any relevant information, such as turnaround time, revisions, and any additional jobs you provide.

Example: “As an experienced SEO-optimized blog post writer, I will craft a 1,000-word article that is engaging, informative, and tailored to your target audience. With a background in [your expertise area], I can create content on a variety of topics. My jobs include keyword research, unlimited revisions, and a 3-day turnaround time.”

Bad Writing Gig: Incomplete or Uninformative Description

An incomplete or uninformative description can leave potential clients with unanswered questions and might deter them from choosing your gig.

Example: “I will write a blog post for you.”

  1. Good Writing Gig: Showcase Your Skills and Expertise

A good writing gig highlights your skills and expertise, providing potential clients with confidence in your abilities. You can do this by mentioning your years of experience, certifications, or any specific areas of expertise that are relevant to the jobs you’re offering.

Example: “With over five years of experience in content writing and a certification in SEO, I have developed a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape and the importance of engaging content. My expertise in [your expertise area] allows me to create well-researched and insightful articles.”

Bad Writing Gig: Lack of Skills and Expertise

Not showcasing your skills and expertise can make potential clients doubt your ability to deliver high-quality work.

Example: “I like writing, and I’m good at it.”

  1. Good Writing Gig: Professional Presentation

A professional presentation, including proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting, is essential for a good writing gig. This demonstrates your attention to detail and gives potential clients confidence in your writing abilities.

Bad Writing Gig: Poor Presentation

A poorly presented gig, with grammatical errors, typos, or sloppy formatting, can make clients question the quality of your work.

  1. Good Writing Gig: Include Samples or Portfolio

Including samples or a link to your portfolio in your writing gig allows potential clients to see the quality of your work and can help you stand out from the competition.

Bad Writing Gig: No Samples or Portfolio

Not providing samples or a portfolio can make it difficult for clients to gauge your writing abilities, which might lead them to choose another freelancer.


Creating a good writing gig involves crafting a clear and concise title, providing a detailed description, showcasing your skills and expertise, maintaining a professional presentation, and including samples or a portfolio. By avoiding the pitfalls of a bad writing gig, you can increase your chances of attracting clients and building a successful freelance writing career.

  1. Good Writing Gig: Competitive Pricing

Setting competitive prices for your writing gig is essential to attracting clients. Research the market rates for similar jobs and price your gig accordingly. Make sure your pricing reflects your skills, experience, and the value you bring to the table.

Example: “My prices are competitive and reflect the quality and expertise I bring to each project. For a 1,000-word SEO-optimized blog post, my rate is $50. For more extensive projects or additional jobs, please feel free to contact me for a custom quote.”

Bad Writing Gig: Unclear or Unreasonable Pricing

Unclear or unreasonable pricing can deter potential clients from choosing your gig. Overpricing your jobs can make it difficult for you to compete with other freelancers, while underpricing might lead clients to question the quality of your work.

Example: “I charge $200 for a 500-word article. Contact me if you want to negotiate the price.”

  1. Good Writing Gig: Client Testimonials

Including client testimonials in your writing gig can help build trust and credibility with potential clients. Reach out to previous clients for feedback and showcase their positive reviews in your gig.

Bad Writing Gig: No Testimonials

Not providing any client testimonials can make it harder for potential clients to gauge your professionalism and the satisfaction of your previous customers.

  1. Good Writing Gig: Clear Communication and Availability

Establishing clear communication channels and being available to answer questions and discuss projects is essential for a good writing gig. Make sure you provide your preferred method of communication, such as email or messaging through the platform, and indicate your response time.

Example: “I’m available to discuss your project needs via email or platform messaging. I typically respond to inquiries within 24 hours.”

Bad Writing Gig: Inaccessible or Unresponsive

Being inaccessible or unresponsive to potential clients can deter them from choosing your writing gig, as they might question your commitment to the project.

Example: “Contact me if you have questions, but I can’t guarantee a timely response.”

In conclusion, creating a good writing gig involves careful attention to detail, showcasing your skills and expertise, setting competitive prices, providing testimonials, and ensuring clear communication and availability. By implementing these best practices, you can improve your chances of attracting clients and growing your freelance writing business on platforms like tennerr. Remember, your gig is often the first impression potential clients have of you, so invest time and effort into crafting a compelling and professional gig that sets you up for success.

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