Fancy a Freelancing Fandango? Let’s Get Clucky!

Author: Dean, Head Rooster at tennerr

A few sunrises ago, I promised myself I’d soon be scratching out a living on my own terms. No coop, no head rooster, no routine, no predictable feed. I would rule the roost and earn my keep from my own talents and name. But, alas, procrastination can be as sneaky as a fox in the henhouse. It lulls us into thinking everything’s peachy and going according to plan, when in reality, we’re as far from it as the moon is from the earth.

To give procrastination the boot, you’ve got to take a leap of faith. Embrace the possibility of failure, be prepared to lose it all, and remember: there’s no alternative. If you keep telling yourself, “Oh, I’ve still got time,” you’ll be stuck in that loop until time flies away. Recently, I returned to the world of academia at Cranfield University. It’s incredible how being around driven, focused individuals can make your spirits soar.

When you start taking risks, if you’re lucky, you’ll see the puzzle pieces begin to fall into place. Many accomplished entrepreneurs and business leaders attribute their success to their appetite for risk-taking. Folks like Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, Oprah Winfrey, and Vera Wang all preach the gospel of risk and reward.

Steve Jobs, another famous risk-taker, discussed failure in a 1994 interview with the Santa Clara Valley Historical Association. In this chat, Jobs implored people to seek help from others, stating, “Most people never ask and that’s what separates sometimes the people that do things from the people who just dream.” (Steve Jobs on Failure, 1:11 – 1:17) The moral of the story? Part of taking risks involves asking for help. Pride might prevent some from reaching out, but the truth is, we all need a wing to lean on. Lend a helping wing, and perhaps one day you’ll find one waiting for you when you need it most.

Freelancing is a game of risk and assistance, with both sides taking a chance on each other. A freelancer might accept a gig they later realize they can’t complete, damaging their reputation, wasting precious time, and leaving empty-handed. Conversely, the client risks funds, time, and the headache of finding someone else to finish the job. I never thought of myself as a freelancer until recently, and I had no clue just how risky it could be – but I’m learning fast.

That said, any opportunity to work at your own pace and make your own business decisions is a golden egg. Risks are an inescapable part of life; even crossing the street is a gamble. A reckless driver might come barreling down the road, not see you, and cause serious harm or worse. Being afraid to take risks is akin to being afraid to live your life. So please, don’t chicken out.

Now, you might ask, “I’m willing to take risks, but which ones should I choose?” Answering that question is no easy feat. Many are game for risks but lack vision, direction, plans, or ideas. In this case, my advice is to keep searching for what lights your fire. Once you discover your passions and interests, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon and chart your course. Then, and only then, can you truly spread your wings as a freelancer. If you don’t know who you are or what you’re capable of, success in freelancing will be elusive. So, take your time, focus on yourself, have patience, embrace risks, and you’ll soon discover your perfect roost.

In conclusion, taking the plunge into freelancing is not for the faint of heart. It requires courage, self-discovery, and the willingness to take risks. But with a clear vision and a strong foundation, the rewards can be bountiful. So, let your feathers ruffle, spread your wings, and dive into the freelancing fandango. Who knows, you just might find yourself dancing atop the pecking order, ruling the roost as your own boss in no time. And remember, when in doubt, let the witty rooster within guide you to success.


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