What is Intelligence?

Intelligence can be described as the capacity to be aware of and comprehend one’s surrounding environment. It involves utilizing our senses, such as sight, hearing, and touch, to gather information about the world around us. Additionally, intelligence encompasses the ability to analyze and understand the temporal impact of time, both in the past and present, as well as to make sense of this information and use it to plan for the future and solve problems.

In the context of artificial intelligence, we can define it as the development of machines or computer systems that possess a similar awareness and decision-making ability. Artificial intelligence aims to create systems that can perceive and interpret data from their environment, analyze it, and use that analysis to make informed decisions and solve complex problems.

If we acknowledge that intelligence is not restricted to being a physical property tied solely to biological beings like humans, then it becomes irrelevant whether we implement that intelligence on carbon-based computer structures (such as the human brain) or on silicon-based computer hardware used in AI systems. It also leaves open the possibility of using future quantum-based computer structures for artificial intelligence.

In essence, when we cease to impose our human intelligence onto machines and instead create systems that possess their own awareness and decision-making capabilities, we can consider artificial intelligence to have been successfully implemented in those machines.


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